

Tom Tolleson is a composer, multi-instrumentalist, audio programmer (C++, Pure Data, Capytalk, Lisp) and sound designer based in New York City. He works in stereo, binaural and multichannel audio. He studied composition at The Juilliard School evening division and his work includes orchestral and electronic arrangements as well as algorithmic and collaborative, improvisational performances.

He designs sound using live recordings, electronics, Symbolic Sound Kyma and Sonic Core Scope DSP. He implements audio and interactive music using C++ and Wwise.

He played bass with members of Albuquerque punk band Big Damn Crazy Weight, opening for New York City post-punk noise group Cop Shoot Cop on their U.S. tour in 1994. He founded Dymaxion Groove Records releasing work by French artists including Le Club Des Chats.

While living in Baltimore, MD he met local artists in the Wham! City collective and Jason Willett of Half Japanese. He curated the album I Said No Doctors! Featuring Dan Deacon (of Wham! City), Jason Willett and Jad Fair of Half Japanese, Silver ApplesDavid GrubbsMarkus Popp / Oval, and instrument builders from around the world, including Indonesian hard core noise band Senyawa and Yuri Landman.

Now living in New York City, he has increased focus on composing experimental classical music working with avant-noise violin duo String Noise. His work appears regularly in classical performances. Born in Fayetteville, North Carolina Tom moved to London, U.K. In pursuit of his musical career. In London he began working with sequencers and musique concrète methods using samplers. In Baltimore, MD he played live electronic shows under the name Puppenhaus. He now lives in Brooklyn, NY.